Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Entertainment & Authenticity

I've never known myself better than stating facts, & this is the time to draw a line between entertainment & authenticity. In the 19th Century, a British Officer wrote in his report about his direct encounter on a theft case up in the Himalayas, where the British colony was in rule. Mistaken an Indian Mystic as the suspect, he threw his axe from behind to stop his uphill progress. That man, with the axe sticking out on his left shoulder, turned towards the officers & explained that he wasn't the one they're after, & explained to the officers the real location of the culprit. Carefully, he took out that Axe, wiped the blood with his white dhoti, & present the service axe back to the Officer. With sense of Guilt, the Officer followed the man up the hills to place under a tree. He saw with his own eyes, the wound made from the axe joining back & healing the area. With gentle smile, the man ask for no apologies & that the officer to proceed finding the culprit. Source: Autobiography of a Yogi, 1950's.

What differentiates a magician is his authenticity. But due to the severe tarnish of a magician's image by these tricksters, magicians have to get a name change. So we call them 'Mystics', while tricksters obtained the trophy of being Magicians. Back in the 1900's, when 'Magicians thrived all around the world, showcase their extra-ordinary, or rather 'supernatural' talents. Innocent people, who don't quite have the intelligence or knowledge fall prey into their live entertainment. The problem commits when people starts asking. See, Magicians were known to tell people that they can't show their secrets to people because it'll spoil the magic. True, but not a fact. The fact is that exposing a magic trick would be the end of one's career, cuz the rest of the world will start asking him about it. So what most will do is to repeat it, but not exactly the same version that you'd expect them to repeat. They know a trick done twice is suicide, so they brush it up a little, make it different, a continuation from the same trick, & focus on entertaining his audiences to the level of intellectual boredom so that everyone end up clapping their hands instead of raising them to ask questions.

Now for an authentic, he can't tell them what it is. If he can heal, he heals. Then he goes away, minding his own business. A Mystic won't other to 'entertain' you, he doesn't need your lousy applause. Every moment he lives his life full of self-fulfillment, that not even a moment you can snatch it away. He doesn't demonstrates his skills because he dont have much. For what he has, nothing in this would could trade it for. That's the authentic mystic, the one that you'll never see him coming, but only knows what he did quite later.

He works for nobody, for hobby's sake, he might visit people who're in need of divine help. So there he'll be, doing his voluntary service. There are many such people exist in the world, they are the forefathers of every major religion groups in this world. Jaina Sufis, Buddhist Monks, Indian Yogis, & many other smaller sects. These guys can put up a show you'll never forget for generations! But amusement is not their interest, which is why they keep their secret skills for the right people for the right time. They are very careful for what they've received, & humble in their everyday lifestyle.

So its time for us to see whats real & whats not. Whats for entertainment & what is authentic ability. How to draw a line when it comes to knowing something beyond your comprehension, not just logic & self-esteem, Im talking about beyond all that, shattering reality & whatever school taught you about.

Know your choices well.